Jane's Mortgage Matters

The Mortgage and Real Estate World




We have all said it and I bet for many of us we say it every day. We can’t seem to return all the calls, all the emails, and connect with our clients. We just can’t seem to catch up. It is like trying to sip water out of a firehouse and it just doesn’t work very well at all.  But are we our own problem?

The fact of the matter is it is just not us but everyone on the planet seems to be busy but what are we really doing that our lives seem so out of control? Has this just become an excuse? Are we not prioritizing? Or maybe we are letting our life run us instead of taking control and running our lives


At the end of the day being too busy is simply a weak excuse for not doing the very tasks we should be doing  We should be working towards a goal with a plan for achieving those goals that requires and lists specific actions and not being too busy is probably not on that list.


When we tell ourselves we are too busy what are we telling someone who needs a response to that email or phone message? When that person, our client, doesn’t hear back from us on a timely basis, or even at all, they hear that   they don’t mean enough to us to take a few minutes and pick up the phone, write them an email, or get in your car a pay them a visit.  In short you are telling them they are not important to you!  When we tell our client, or potential clients, we are too busy to respond they take it very personal and this is going to cost everyone business in the long run.


We are all guilty of this behavior as we get caught in a fast paced world but we need to make those changes necessary and let those clients in our life know that they are the most important people in the world to us and without them absolutely nothing happens. So let’s all make an effort to return those emails and phone calls promptly, put our client’s needs first and give them the respect they deserve. To not follow through on this is simply to tell these people they are not important to us.


Events will either happen to us or we will take the events in our life and make them work for us. If we actually convince ourselves that we are too busy to take control of our lives then it is no surprise that our lives are not what we would like them to be. Hear those footsteps walking away?  That probably is our clients, hopes and dreams walking away because we were too busy to give them the attention they deserve.


If you are looking for someone who is not too busy for you please contact me today. I am 100% truthful 100% of the time and will always make your objectives my highest priority. Please visit my fan page at http://www.facebook.com/FreeHelp4RealtorsNC and also my video blog at  http://realestatemarbles.com/janesmortgagematters/ for free marketing ideas, applications, new technology and current industry information.

Jane Estes    –    Jane’s Mortgage Matters    –    704-905-3744

jane@janesmortgagematters.com    –    www.janesmortgagematters.com  

July 18, 2012 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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