Jane's Mortgage Matters

The Mortgage and Real Estate World

Believe It or Not!

Believe It or Not!

When it comes to interest rates and exactly which path they will take the world is full of opinions based on a whole host of factors. That said, believe it or not, interest rates, already at record lows, could actually continue to decline over the long run. While given the current level of rates this may seem unlikely but you can check out the historical graph below and decide for yourself.

Mortgage Rates by Month

What all of this means is that while housing prices and interest rates are at record lows this is the perfect storm for buyers. In fact in some parts of the country home prices are starting to rise significantly again so this “sweet spot” may not last long. We all need to contact our data base of buyers and borrowers and let them know what an incredible opportunity this is for them right now, believe or not.


If you would like to work with someone who is on the leading edge of our industries please contact me today. I am 100% truthful 100% of the time and will make your objectives my highest priority. Don’t forget to visit my video blog http://realestatemarbles.com/janesmortgagematters/  and my Facebook Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/FreeHelp4RealtorsNC   for tons of free marketing tips, useful apps and up to date industry information. Take a minute, do it today and you will find these sites to be a great resource for you.

Jane Estes    –    Jane’s Mortgage Matters    –    704-905-3744

jane@janesmortgagematters.com    –     www.janesmortgagematters.com 

June 6, 2012 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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